How to Massage Your Girlfriend
Set the right mood for the massage. Turn the lights down low and light some scented candles. Massaging your girlfriend doesn't have to be a completely clichéd event, though. You could allow her to watch her favorite TV show or a “chic flick” while you're giving her a massage.
Grab your girlfriend's favorite lotions and/or oils for her massage. This will do more than simply make her feel good. Using oils and lotions can make the massage easier for you, can better help to relieve your girlfriend's tension and hydrate her skin.
Begin by slowly rubbing the lotion and oils into your girlfriend's back. How gently or rough you do this will be based upon your girlfriend's wishes. Massage near her shoulders to relieve any knots she may have in the area. Use your thumbs primarily to rub her lower back. When massaging that portion of the back, place your thumbs together near her spine and rub away from the spine. Pretend that your thumbs are windshield wipers on a truck. That's how you should massage that portion of your girlfriend's back.
Use both of your hands to rub your girlfriend's arm. Do this gently as the muscles in the arm can be sensitive. Place one hand on the front of the arm and your other hand on the back of her arm and gently squeeze for a basic massage. When you get to her hand, place your four fingers on the back of her hand and your thumb on her palm. Gently rub her palm with your thumb in a circular motion. Then, take all five of your fingers and encircle one of her fingers. Beginning at the bottom of the finger, you should gently stroke up to the tip of the finger. Do this for all four fingers and her thumb. Once you've finished with one side, move to the other arm and repeat.
Begin massaging one of your girlfriend's feet. Treat the toes in the same manner that you did the fingers. Remember that you may have to be more gentle with your girlfriend's feet if she is ticklish. Don't forget to put extra lotion on her feet. The feet are often the most dry body part for anybody.
Massage your way up your girlfriend's leg up to her thigh. You should rub her legs in the same manner as you did her arms. Since you're rubbing her legs, however, you should squeeze a little harder. The muscles in the legs, after all, are stronger than the arms. Simply squeeze both the front and back of the legs. Rub lotion on her legs if you wish, if she asks or if you feel her skin needs to be moisturized.