How to Strengthen the Wrists
Things You'll Need
- Wrist weights
- Canned vegetables
Wear wrists weights or ankle weights around your wrists during normal daily activities. Keep them on for a couple hours the first day, then take a day off and the third day wear for slightly longer. Repeat this routine for several weeks.
Stretch your wrists out before each wrist workout. Sit on your knees and put your wrists together, insides of the arms touching. Press against the floor and circle them, moving your body weight over them. Pull your fingers back and then push them forward to increase their flexibility. Circle your wrists several times.
Hold a can of vegetables in your hand. Place your elbow on a table. Slowly allow your wrist to fall back. Hold it there for three counts then slowly bring it back up. Curl your wrist forward and hold it there for another three counts. Bring your wrist back to its starting position. Repeat 10-15 times on each wrist.
Repeat step three with a large bottled liquid such as a 20+ ounce bottle of Gatorade. Try side to side movements as well. Slowly drop the wrist to the side with the bottle in hand then bring it back up.
Repeat step three with a three pound weight. Do these exercises three or four times a week. Your wrists will thank you!