How to Use Heat Patches on Sore Muscles
Pick up a heat patch at your local drugstore or order from online retailers, or NexTag (see Resources below). They carry heat patch brands such as Bengay, Beyond BodiHeat and Icy Hot.
Select a patch that will sufficiently cover the afflicted area. Regular-size patches will cover sore muscles in the arms, legs, neck and a portion of the shoulders. Large or extra large will be used for the entire lower back and upper back, as well as both shoulders and the hips.
Wash and dry the skin in the area where your sore muscles are. Most heat patches will not stick if the skin is wet.
Remove any protective film that is on the heat patch. Once the film is removed, the iron will oxidize, producing heat.
Apply the adhesive side of the patch to your sore muscles. Depending on the brand, it will take between 5 and 15 minutes for your heat patch to start working. Most heat patches will last at least 8 hours, but you may need to remove the patch if it becomes too hot or causes any discomfort.
Use most heat patches no more than once every 24 hours. Some heat patches are reusable, but most provide just a single use.