How to Use Heat Therapy on Strained Muscles
Things You'll Need
- Towel
- Hot water bottle
- Heat pad or wrap
Use Heat Therapy After Ice Therapy
Ice the afflicted area immediately after the initial tearing. Your body reacts to strained muscles by sending blood immediately to heal the injury. However, too much blood causes inflammation, pain and bruising. Ice will slow down the blood flow, reducing the swelling and pain. Apply ice therapy for only 20 minutes per hour for the first 24 to 72 hours.
Rest the strained muscles. Keep as much pressure off of the area as possible until the swelling and bruising have decreased. The healing process will progress much faster if the muscles are rested.
Use home methods of heat therapy. Home methods are free and easy. You may soak a towel in hot water, fill a plastic bottle with hot water or draw a hot bath. Make sure that the water is not too hot before you place it on the muscles.
Heat the strained muscles for 20 to 30 minutes, unless you experience discomfort.
Continue to apply heat on the strained muscles at least three times a day or until the pain is relieved. Make sure your skin temperature has returned to normal before you place the heat back on the muscles.
Use Heat Therapy to Prevent Strained Muscles
Stretch before any exercise or strenuous workout. Your muscles need to warm up before they are used, otherwise they will become stiff or strained. It is necessary to stretch muscles that have already been strained.
Apply heat therapy for 15 minutes before you head for the gym or begin your workout at home. The heat will increase circulation and loosen your muscles. They will then be prepared for exercise.