How to Treat a Strained Muscle
Things You'll Need
- Ice bag or ice pack
- Towel
- Elastic bandage
- Athletic tape or a bandage clip
- Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication
Take off any tight clothing or accessories covering the strained muscle. This will prevent complications if swelling occurs.
Relax your strained muscle. Use it as little as possible over the next couple days.
Wrap an ice bag or ice pack in a towel. Place it on your strained muscle. The coldness will decrease the pain and swelling. Use a 20 minute on, 20 minute off schedule for a two-hour block of time. Repeat this every 12 hours for the next two days.
Elevate your strained muscle. This is easiest when the injury occurs in a limb. For example, place your leg on a chair or arm on a chair back. The raised angle will draw fluid out of the muscle and lessen the swelling. Assume this position when you are applying ice.
Wear an elastic bandage to support the injured area. Do this after applying ice and before using your strained muscle. Start below the injury. Wind the bandage around the muscle. Overlap the edges as you move toward the trunk of the body. Tape or clip the bandage above the strained muscle.
Use a nonprescription anti-inflammatory medication. Examples include ibuprofen and aspirin. This will decrease pain and swelling.