How to Massage the Calf Muscle Using the Elbow
Lay the person face down on a massage table or other suitable surface, such as a bed.
Take the person's foot and place it on your thigh for stability.
Fold your arm so the flat part of your elbow points downwards. Place the flat part of the elbow right behind the Achilles tendon on the person's calf and move your closed elbow up the middle of the calf. Be sure to use firm pressure while performing this step.
Stop when you get to the middle of the calf. Open up your elbow by slowly flexing your arm. This will move the point of your elbow deeper into the calf muscles.
Close your elbow when you finish massaging that area and continue to move the flat part of the elbow up the calf. Unbend your elbow at various points to massage even deeper.
Open up your elbow when finished the massage and lift your elbow out of the calf slowly and gently.