How to Avoid the Ache of Exercise

Exercise is an important piece of maintaining health, but it may bring with it muscle aches and pains. Whether you are a conditioned athlete or just beginning a workout regimen, anyone can experience stiff muscles after a workout. Here are some helpful tips to avoid the ache of exercise.


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      Warm up before exercising. Mimic the movements you are about to do in your workout routine like walking before jogging.

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      Warm down after exercising, and don't just stop all movement after your workout. This is the best time to do some stretching, after your muscles are already warmed up.

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      Don't push too hard when first starting your exercise routine. Gradually increase the time you spend on an exercise, and then increase the intensity.

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      Stop exercising if you experience sharp pains or muscle cramps. Recognize the signs of fatigue or overexertion and listen to your body.

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      Rest if you experience soreness. There is a good hurt that feels like a dull ache, but a bad hurt or injury is usually sharp and in a specific spot.

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      Ice down any soreness for 15 to 20 minutes. This will ease any muscle ache as a result of exercise.

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      Take Ibuprofen after a hard workout, and continue as needed. Read the label for the correct dosage and directions. Ibuprofen helps eliminate the inflammation that occurs after a tough workout.

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      Exercise! If the pain is mild, work through it by doing some light exercise.

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