How to Ice a Muscle Strain
Things You'll Need
- Ice pack
- Clean towel
Ice a Muscle Strain
Apply an ice pack directly on the muscle strain (after covering the area with a clean towel). Keep the ice on for 15 to 20 minutes per hour during the first few hours. If you don't have a proper ice pack available, you can use a small bag of frozen vegetables or a plastic bag filled with ice cubes.
Reduce the frequency of the ice packs to 15 to 20 minutes every 3 or 4 hours during the second day after the injury.
Make sure that the injured area is clean and dried off after the ice pack is removed, especially if you're going to re-apply a compression pack or elastic bandage immediately afterward.
Continue using the ice pack for a third day if needed, keeping the same frequency as the day before. If the pain and swelling has not significantly decreased by the third day, consult a doctor immediately, since the tear is probably more severe than you originally thought.
Use a heat pack or heating pad only after the swelling has gone completely down. Heat therapy, when properly used, is also effective in the healing process. Using a heat pack before the swelling has gone down can aggravate the injury, however.
Check online resources, such as and, for more tips on how to properly apply ice to muscle strains (see Resources below).