What muscle moves and work without are control?

Smooth muscle.

Smooth muscle is found in the walls of internal organs, such as the stomach, intestines, and bladder. It is also found in the walls of blood vessels and airways. Smooth muscle is involuntary muscle, which means that we cannot control its movements.

Smooth muscle contracts and relaxes in response to hormones and nerve signals. For example, when we eat food, the smooth muscle in our stomach contracts to churn the food and break it down. When we need to breathe, the smooth muscle in our airways relaxes to allow air to flow in and out.

Smooth muscle is also responsible for maintaining the tone of our blood vessels. When blood pressure is low, the smooth muscle in the blood vessels relaxes to allow more blood to flow through. When blood pressure is high, the smooth muscle in the blood vessels contracts to constrict the blood flow and raise blood pressure.

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