What muscles are used in boxing on your arm?
1. Triceps: The triceps are located on the back of your upper arm. They are used to extend your elbow, which is essential for throwing punches.
2. Biceps: The biceps are located on the front of your upper arm. They are used to flex your elbow, which is necessary for pulling your punches back.
3. Forearm Extensors: The forearm extensors are located on the back of your forearm. They are used to extend your wrist, which helps to keep your punches straight and powerful.
4. Forearm Flexors: The forearm flexors are located on the front of your forearm. They are used to flex your wrist, which is important for blocking punches.
5. Shoulder Muscles: The shoulder muscles include the deltoids, rotator cuff muscles, and trapezius. They are used to move your arm in a variety of directions, which is essential for throwing and blocking punches.
It's important to note that boxing requires the coordination of many muscle groups throughout the body, not just those in the arms. Other muscles used in boxing include the chest muscles, back muscles, abdominal muscles, and leg muscles.