What muscles do you use when skiing?

Lower body:

* Quadriceps (front of thigh): Extend the knee joint to straighten the leg

* Hamstrings (back of thigh): Flex the knee joint to bend the leg

* Gluteus maximus (buttocks): Extends the hip joint to straighten the hip

* Calves (back of lower leg): Plantarflex the ankle joint to point the foot down

Upper body:

* Biceps (front of upper arm): Flex the elbow joint to bend the arm

* Triceps (back of upper arm): Extend the elbow joint to straighten the arm

* Latissimus dorsi (back): Extends the shoulder joint to straighten the shoulder

* Pectoralis major (chest): Flexes the shoulder joint to bend the shoulder

* Deltoids (shoulders): Abduct the shoulder joint to move the arm out to the side, raise the arm overhead, and rotate the arm


* Rectus abdominis (front of abdomen): Flexes the spine to bend forward

* Obliques (sides of abdomen): Flex the spine to bend to the side and rotate the spine

* Erector spinae (back): Extends the spine to straighten the back


* Small muscles of the feet, ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, elbows, and wrists: Support and stabilize the joints

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