How to Build a TENS Unit
Things You'll Need
- A diagram for parts numbers.
- Soldering iron and solder, or bread board
- A case for your unit
- Fine cutting tools
- Solid, non-conductive work surface
Building Your TENS Unit
Print the diagram, and label it with any alterations you will make to its parts.
Gather your parts and tools and prepare your soldering iron.
If you are going to place your unit in a case, measure your parts and cut out the appropriate holes for switches, LED, and muscle wires. You may want to label the outside of your case.
Using your diagram, assemble and connect your parts and wires with the soldering iron, or bread board. Start with your timer and work outward, paying close attention to negative and positive charges.
Insert the completed unit into a case if desired. Read the warnings below, then test your unit, using the TENS Placement Chart)