Ways to Release Tension
Massage Therapy
Having a massage is one way to release your tension. Massage therapy relieves tension by moving and manipulating the muscle. Therapists will apply pressure to a particular muscle or move a body part in a specific way to relieve the tension. By moving and manipulating the tensed muscle, the circulation and flow of blood is altered and the tension is reduced. Once the massage is over, the massage therapist will typically introduce a treatment plan for the client that suggests techniques to prevent further tension, such as stretching and practicing good posture.
Yoga is a form of exercise that can also release your tension. When you do yoga, you will typically hold your body in a particular position while breathing properly. Yoga focuses on breathing techniques and ensuring your breathing is deep, rhythmic and effective, all of which help provide oxygen to the brain. When the brain is well-oxygenated, you'll feel less tired and tense. Yoga breathing also lowers blood pressure, which is a contributing factor to tension, and the yoga movements improve muscle strength and flexibility, which helps work out those tense areas of your body.
Progressive Muscular Relaxation
Progressive muscular relaxation is a technique you can use to relieve your tension. Progressive muscle relaxation works by purposely tensing a muscle as tightly as possible for five to 10 seconds and then releasing it. You should tighten and relax the muscle a few times and then try to consciously relax the muscle without tightening it. Continue to relax and tighten all of your tense muscles. When finished, you should feel a deep relaxation in your affected areas. If you do attempt this technique, do it while sitting comfortably or lying down. You should also do it in a quiet room and use calming music in the background if you have it.