Bruxism Remedies
Stress Management
One cause of bruxism is stress, according to the Mayo Clinic. When you are under stress, grinding your teeth while asleep is one way your body tries to cope. A remedy is to find a way to manage that stress through relaxation, exercise or meditation, or, if possible, elimination of the source.
MedlinePlus suggests making a conscious habit during the day of relaxing the muscles of your face and jaw, thus dealing with stress and establishing a habit of a relaxed face and jaw.
Mouth Night Guard
Bruxism can be caused by your teeth being out of alignment, or not matching from top to bottom. This misalignment prompts teeth grinding at night. According to Teeth Grinding Cure, a dentist can diagnose this problem and provide the remedy, a mouth night guard specifically designed for you to wear while sleeping.
Elimination of Causes
Certain items can cause or contribute to bruxism, and elimination of those items can help remedy the situtation. Any foods that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea or chocolate, should be avoided as much as possible. WebMD also suggests that alcohol use can aggravate the desire to grind teeth. Another suggestion is to avoid any chewing not related to eating, such as gum or any non-food product. MedlinePlus recommends avoiding hard foods, such as nuts and candy, that require your jaws to work hard to chew.
Bruxism can occur during the day when you clench your teeth, and any activity or behavior that triggers it, such as a certain food or chewing on a pencil, should be eliminated. MayoClinic suggests resting the tongue between the teeth to relax the jaw as a remedy for daytime clenching.