Shoulder Rehab Programs
Relaxed Arm Swing
This rehabilitation program is meant to relax the muscles in your shoulder and increase range of motion. Lie down on a bench and allow your arm to hang off the edge without letting it touch or drag on the ground. Allow your shoulder blade to relax and drop down. Then gently swing your arm back and forth without using your neck muscles. The focus of this program is to relax and allow gravity to stretch out the shoulder, while just slightly working the muscles in the shoulder. The swing should begin at 15 seconds at a time, then increase gradually to up to 5 minutes straight as the shoulder becomes more rehabilitated.
The Stir
Standing up, find a chair or wall to support your weight and allow your weaker shoulder and arm to hang freely down beside you. Bend forward slightly so your arm hangs unencumbered and begin to make small circular motions with your arm, working the muscles and tendons in your shoulder. Although you are standing up, try to relax as much as possible, allowing gravity and a few small muscles in your shoulder to do all of the work. You should start doing these circles for 30 seconds at a time and then gradually increase to 5 minutes at a time. Try both clockwise and counterclockwise circles during each program workout.
Rubber Band Lifts
By attaching a large rubber band or piece of tubing to the floor or piece of equipment behind you, you can do these exercises by lifting your arm straight up above your head, stretching and strengthening the muscles in your shoulder. This won't be much weight to lift with the rehabilitating shoulder muscles, as it will virtually be the weight of the arm itself, but should be lifted and lowered slowly and stopped if there is any pain whatsoever. This rehabilitation program should be done only after easier forms of shoulder rehabilitation have been completed, as incredibly sensitive shoulders can be injured by this workout.