Hydrocollator Treatment
How They Work
The actual hydrocollator is a heating unit in which packs filled with a heat storing substance are heated. There are many types of filling for the packs, including peat and silica gel. The hydrocollator is filled with liquid, which it heats, and which heats in turn the substance in the pack, which then stores the heat for a long period of time. The exact amount of time that a pack will retain heat depends on the substance within the pack.
How You Use Them
Once heated, the hydrocollator pack is wrapped may come with its own sleeve. If this is not the case, then it must be wrapped in at least six layers of towel. The pack is then applied to the painful muscle. Generally, the pack should be held against the muscle for about 20 minutes.
Why It Works
The heat of the hydrocollator pack increases the blood flow to the damaged muscle. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the muscle, which can reduce spasms and cramping and soothe pain. This can also relax the muscle; for this reason, hydrocollator packs may be used to prepare a damaged muscle for a deep massage.
Hydrocollator packs can reach high temperatures, and so you must be careful to ensure that you adequately wrap the pack before applying it to the muscle. If this is not done then the skin may be burned. If hydrocollator packs appear to be worn down they should be replaced immediately to avoid leaking. A hydrocollator unit should always be emptied after use and should not at any point be carried when full of boiling water.
Hydrocollator units should be cleaned every two weeks and used liquid should not be left standing in the unit after it has been used. You should contact your physician if muscle pain persists for more than a couple of days.