Physical changes for both male and female?
- Growth spurt: Males typically experience a growth spurt between the ages of 12 and 15, during which they can grow several inches in height.
- Muscle development: Males typically begin to develop more muscle mass during adolescence. This is due to the increase in testosterone, a hormone that promotes muscle growth.
- Increased body hair: Males typically begin to grow body hair during adolescence, including on the face, chest, and armpits.
- Deepening of the voice: Males' voices typically deepen during adolescence due to the growth of the larynx, or voice box.
- Enlargement of the penis and testes: The penis and testes typically enlarge during adolescence.
- Sperm production: Males typically begin to produce sperm during adolescence.
Physical Changes in Females During Adolescence
- Growth spurt: Females typically experience a growth spurt between the ages of 10 and 12, during which they can grow several inches in height.
- Breast development: Females' breasts typically begin to develop during adolescence. This is due to the increase in estrogen, a hormone that promotes breast growth.
- Pubic hair growth: Females typically begin to grow pubic hair during adolescence.
- Menarche: Menarche is the first occurrence of menstruation, which typically occurs between the ages of 12 and 15.
- Increased body fat: Females typically gain more body fat during adolescence than males. This is due to the increase in estrogen, which promotes fat storage.
- Widening of the hips: Females' hips typically widen during adolescence. This is due to the growth of the pelvis, which is necessary for childbirth.
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