What can cause the right side of your torso to be more flabby than left?
Unequal muscle development: If you're right-handed, you may use the muscles on the right side of your body more than the left, leading to muscle imbalances and a flabby appearance.
Asymmetrical fat distribution: Some people naturally have more fat on one side of their body than the other. If you have more fat on your right side, it may appear flabbier than your left.
Weak core muscles: Weak core muscles can contribute to a flabby torso, especially if you sit at a desk all day or don't exercise regularly.
Poor posture: Bad posture, such as slouching or leaning to one side, can put strain on the muscles and connective tissue on one side of your torso, leading to a flabby appearance.
Lymphatic drainage issues: If you have lymphatic drainage problems, fluid can accumulate on one side of the body, leading to swelling and a flabby appearance.
If you're concerned about the appearance of your torso, talk to your doctor or a personal trainer. They can assess your individual situation and recommend exercises and lifestyle changes to help you improve your muscle tone and reduce the appearance of flabbiness.