Which are ways in which muscle names have been derived?
1. Origin and Insertion: The names of muscles are often based on their points of origin and insertion. For example, the biceps brachii muscle originates from two heads (biceps) and inserts on the radius bone of the forearm (brachii).
2. Action: Muscles are also named according to their main function or action. For example, the flexor carpi radialis muscle flexes (bends) the wrist (carpus) and is located on the radial side of the forearm.
3. Location: Muscles can be named based on their anatomical location. For example, the pectoralis major muscle is located in the chest (pectoral) region.
4. Size: Muscles can be named based on their size. For example, the vastus lateralis muscle is the largest muscle in the quadriceps group on the front of the thigh.
5. Shape: Muscles can be named based on their shape. For example, the deltoid muscle is triangular in shape (delta) and is located on the shoulder.
6. Innervation: Muscles can be named based on the nerve that supplies them. For example, the phrenic nerve innervates the diaphragm muscle.
7. Eponymous: Some muscles are named after the person who first described them. For example, the sartorius muscle is named after the Italian anatomist Giovanni Battista Sarto.