What Are the Causes of Tense Upper Jaw Pain?
Tense Upper Jaw Pain
The temporomandibular joints are located at the upper part of the jaw. They join your jaw to your skull. A problem with these joints can cause pain in your jaw.
Teeth Clenching
If you constantly clench your teeth, also called bruxism, then you can strain the muscle near your temporomandibular joints, which causes jaw pain.
Misaligned Bite
If your upper and lower teeth do not align well, your temporomandibular joints could be strained every time you swallow, leading to muscle spasms and jaw pain, according to the American Academy of Craniofacial Pain.
Bruxism can be treated with behavior modification. Orthotics, such as mouth guards, are available to block teeth clenching and also improve a misaligned bite.
Left untreated, pain in your temporomandibular joints can trigger earaches and headaches, according to the University of Rochester Medical Center.