Tens Machine Instructions
Clean the skin in the area of the pain. You will need a clean, dry surface to place the electrodes so that they will adhere to the skin. Place a thin coat of transmitting gel on the bottom of each electrode before it is placed on the skin to help the electric current go through the body. Place the electrodes on the skin where you are hurting. Use surgical tape or cloth bandage tape to adhere the electrodes to the skin. Plug the ends of the electrodes--the pins--into the tens unit. Make sure the unit is in the "off" position before you connect it. Turning the unit on too quickly can cause a jolt of pain to the wearer.
Turning on the Unit
Slowly turn the knobs on the tens unit to turn it on. Once you have the unit in the best setting, you will feel a tingling sensation in the muscles. Your physician can tell you what the best setting is for your injury. The setting usually varies with each individual, so follow your doctor's advice so you do not use a setting that is too high. If you do use a setting that is too high, you may feel your muscles begin to twitch. If this is the case, turn the unit down to a more comfortable setting. If you cannot feel any tingling, slowly turn the unit up. Treatment time also varies, so check with your doctor for the proper treatment length.
Change the electrodes every day and move them around so that the skin does not get irritated. Clean the skin and dry it off before reapplying the electrodes. Do not allow water to get on the unit as this can short it out, and do not sleep with the unit turned on and the electrodes on the skin. If you plan on using the tens unit within a few hours again, unplug the electrodes and plug them back in when you are ready to continue treatment.