What Is a Belly Muscle Injury?
The muscle directly underneath the belly is called the abdominal muscle or rectus abdominus, which extends along both sides of the belly from the ribcage to the groin area, according to SportsInjuryClinic.com. People usually suffer from varying degrees of a strain or pulled muscle in the belly or abdominal area.-
Any injury to the abdominal muscles on either side of the belly can affect your ability to move or even walk. A person may even need to stay off their feet for awhile, especially if they rupture an abdominal muscle.
Abdominal muscle injuries are usually categorized as either first-, second- or third-degree injuries. A first-degree abdominal injury can be a light strain that causes minimal pain and discomfort. A second-degree injury involves a tear in the muscle fiber, which is usually more painful. Third-degree abdominal injuries are ruptures where the muscle may tear away from the pubic bone. Surgery is usually required for this type of injury.
Anyone who suffers a strain in their abdominal muscle will usually experience mild to severe soreness for several days.
Types of Treatment
Besides rest, a person with an abdominal strain or injury should take anti-inflammatory medications to reduce pain and inflammation. Moreover, a heating pad can be used to relax the muscles and accelerate the healing process.
Individuals can prevent most abdominal muscle strains and injuries by performing abdominal exercises on a regular basis. Leg lifts or abdominal crunches are two such exercises.