What Does a Partially Dislocated Shoulder Feel Like?
Stress being placed on an awkwardly positioned shoulder and relatively minor injuries can cause the shoulder joint to slip out of alignment.
Misalignment of the humerus bone can cause the bone to rub on bone instead of glide across the surface. If the instability is not treated, subluxations may eventually come out of the joint entirely, resulting in a complete dislocation.
CaringMedical.com outlines certain symptoms as typical of a shoulder subluxation. Primarily, the injured person describes a "looseness" in the shoulder joint or a feeling that the shoulder has gone "in and out of joint."
The injured person sometimes feels pain, weakness or numbness in the shoulder or arm.
Put ice packs on your shoulder 20 to 30 minutes three or four times a day to relieve the pain. Take anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen. Avoid activities that cause pain. Alternative natural medicine treatments, such as prolotherapy, also have been used. Always seek consultation with your doctor before beginning any treatment. Recovery time depends on the severity of the injury.
Rehabilitate shoulder subluxations by strengthening the shoulder through abduction, flexion, and extension exercises. Exercise is also a good way to prevent shoulder subluxations as well as dislocations. For more severe injuries, surgery may be necessary to repair the muscles and stabilize the shoulder.