Self Help Massage Treatment For a Bulging Disc
Massage techniques that you can use on yourself for treatment of a bulging disc are based on small movements -- meaning that your bones are actually massaging your muscles and joint spaces. Specific exercises will act as self-massage techniques, massaging from within the body itself. It's a very effective method, especially for treating a bulging disc, because it's very hard for a massage therapist to mimic such a small movement.-
Mini-Back Bend Exercise
The mini-back bend exercise will be a type of internal self-massage that is highly effective for treatment of a bulging disc. Bulging discs most commonly affect the lumbar spine. Your vertebrae have a cushion of fluid that fills the space between each disc. When the spine is compressed, the fluid-filled cushions are pushed out, creating a bulging disc. The goal of this small, repetitive movement is to open the space between the discs of the lumbar spine, allowing the cushion to return to its normal state. If there is severe compression of the lumbar region, daily stretching that elongates the spine should accompany this exercise.
This exercise should be done standing, but if you spend most of your time sitting just move to the edge of your chair. Your lower back has a natural curve and the mini-back bend is designed to exaggerate that curve in your lumbar spine. In small pulses of three seconds each do a mini-back bend. The movement is small and precise, only 3 to 5 inches of movement overemphasizing the lumbar region. Placing your hands on your hip bones can help roll your pelvis forward as more space is created in the lumbar region. Repeat this exercise 30 times in each set, five times a day until symptoms decrease.
Finding the Source
The essential part for treatment and staying well in addressing a bulging disc is revealing the source of injury. Was it trauma? A fall or slip that compressed the spine? Prolonged stress like lifting or carrying is the most common cause of a bulging disc. Most back injuries won't ever be cured or treated without asking these important questions.
Being rigorous about prevention in the health of your back is more important than treatment. For example, tight hamstrings often aggravate the lower back. Over time, this enormous strain and imbalance from the tight hamstring muscles causes bulging lumbar discs. Taking precautions in physical labor or in sports by using preventative techniques are more valuable to prolonged joint health.
Rest and Recovery
When you've started your mini-back bend exercises and stretching routine, take it easy. If your job requires heavy lifting, it should be suspended for four to six weeks. If your bulging disc was aggravated by a specific sport, also discontinue that for a prolonged rest period. You should feel relief in the first 7 to 10 days of active rest and recovery. Using a hot pad twice a day on the lumbar spine will soothe tight muscles surrounding the disc. Topical arnica gel can accompany your self-treatment as well.