How to Put Vapor Rub on Feet
Things You'll Need
- Jar of Vicks VapoRub
- Two pairs of old socks
For Coughing
Before you go to bed, spread a solid layer of Vicks VapoRub over the bottoms of your feet, from the base of the toes to the end of your heels.
Put on two pairs of old socks to keep from getting it on your bedsheets.
Reapply the ointment each night until the coughing stops or until your skin heals.
Ease Muscle Pain
Spread a solid layer of Vicks VapoRub over the bottoms of your feet, from the base of the toes to the end of your heels.
Put on two pairs of old socks to keep from getting it on your floors or slippers.
Sit with your feet propped up for a few hours to let the ointment evaporate and to rest your feet. You can also go to bed and let the salve work overnight.