How to Prevent Muscle Cramps Naturally
Becoming dehydrated is a commonly cited cause of muscle cramps. To avoid dehydration while working out, drink 8 ounces of water or sports drink two hours before working out. Then, drink 7 to 10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes during your workout if you are working out in the heat, or 6 ounces of fluid every 15 minutes during cooler conditions. Your amount of fluid can vary depending on your gender, level of activity and other conditions. Even if your thirst is quenched, drink a little more to stay hydrated. An easy way to tell if you are dehydrated is to check the color of your urine. You are well-hydrated if your urine is clear or a light yellow.
In a "New York Times" article, Dr. Martin P. Schwellnus, a University of Cape Town professor of sports medicine, suggests that cramps are the result of an imbalance between nerve signals that cause muscle contractions and those that inhibit contractions. One cure for these types of cramps may be exercising less intensely for short bursts. Holding a position for too long may also cause cramps. This is an important thing to remember if you lift weights or do Pilates or yoga.
Giving your muscles the proper nutrition may help prevent muscle cramps. Taking a vitamin B complex daily may help leg cramps. Getting the proper amount of potassium and electrolytes may also help with overall cramping. Switching your water bottle for a sports drink during a workout can give you the proper amounts of potassium and electrolytes. Make sure to choose one with 6 to 8 percent carbohydrates for the quickest absorption into your system.
Stretching before and after you workout can keep your muscles limber and cramp-free. Make sure to stretch out all of your muscles and only start your stretches after a five- to 10-minute warm-up. Your warm-up can consist of easy activities such as walking around your workout area. Hold each stretch for 30 seconds and use slow, gentle motions to avoid straining your muscles.