Deltoid Muscle Injury Treatment

The deltoid is a three-headed muscle situated at the shoulder that lifts the arm away from the body. Deltoid muscle pain caused by inflammation, strain or possibly tearing will progress if left untreated. Seek a physician's advice before you proceed with rehabilitation.
  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of a deltoid muscle injury include sudden pain at the back of the shoulder or when lifting an extended arm at slight resistance and swelling or tenderness at the muscle.


    • One essential step in treating a deltoid muscle injury is to stop performing the movement or activity that triggered the injury. Until the muscle is rehabilitated, change your routine or technique.

    Self Treatment

    • Apply an ice pack for 15 minutes at a time for the first 24 hours. If it is not too painful, stretch the back of the shoulder.

    Medical Treatment

    • Sports-injury specialists and doctors speed up recovery using massage techniques. Patients are prescribed a rehabilitation program consisting of stretches, strengthening and massages. If a deltoid injury is serious, doctors may suggest an operation.

    Muscular Imbalance

    • When you concentrate your workout on upper mirror muscles, such as the upper trapezius, anterior deltoid and pectorals, and neglect to develop the 'non-mirror muscles', lower trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi and rear deltoid, you create a muscular imbalance around the shoulder. Deltoid injuries are prevented and rehabilitated by balancing lower and upper muscles.


    • Avoid further deltoid muscle injury by balancing your upper-body workout. For every push or press exercise you do, incorporate a pull or a row exercise into the routine.

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