Physical Therapy Exercises for a Pulled Hamstring
Quadriceps Extension
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Keep the feet lying flat on the floor as you adjust yourself into a comfortable position. Once in place, spread the feet so that they are hip width apart. Bring the knee of the leg with the injured hamstring up and toward the chest slowly. Keep the back on the floor to get the maximum benefit of the stretch. Flex the foot toward the head and straighten the raised leg. If there is pain, ease off the stretch. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds then lower the leg to the floor.
Forward Bend
Sit next to a wall on the floor. Place your back against the wall with your legs stretched out in front of your body. Cross your legs so that the left ankle is over the right and lean toward the feet, stretching out with your arms. Hold this stretch for 15 seconds then relax in the starting position. Repeat this six times, then switch legs to stretch the hamstrings evenly.
Front-lying Leg Raise
Wrap a two-pound ankle weight onto the injured leg's ankle. Lie on the floor with a pillow placed under the abdomen for support. Slowly bend the knee of the injured leg and raise the leg to a 90-degree angle. Raise the thigh of the leg off the floor 1 to 2 inches; then hold the stretch for 5 seconds then relax the legs.