Consistent Hamstring Pain
When a person has a hamstring injury, one of the most common symptoms is a sharp and sudden pain in the back of the thigh. A person might not be able to extend her leg straight without feeling intense pain.
Many factors can contribute to hamstring injuries. One involves pushing beyond your limits with too much physical activity. Other factors are poor flexibility and/or muscle strength.
To properly diagnose hamstring problems, a physician will go over the person's medical history and ask questions about exercise habits. The back of the thigh will also be examined and will involve extending and flexing the leg. It is important for the physician to pinpoint exactly when and where the pain is felt.
If a person is having consistent hamstring pain, it is essential to rest the muscle as much as possible. Applying ice and compression also are helpful. A thigh wrap can also be used for support. For severe hamstring pain, it may be best to see a physician.
To prevent consistent hamstring pain, stretch and warm up before exercising. Try not to overdo any exercises. It is helpful to stretch after exercising as well.