How Do I Wrap a Foot?
Make a cushion for the ankle to prevent excessive rubbing of the bandage against the skin by cutting several pieces of cloth from the end of the bandage. Place this on the ankle while wrapping. Roll up the bandage and hold the ankle at a 90-degree ankle to begin the wrapping process. Take the end of the bandage and hold it by the side of the foot near the toes. Roll the bandage around the foot one time, covering the ball of the foot. Pull the bandage so that it is slightly tight and pulls slightly.
Wrapping the Foot
Begin rolling the bandage around the foot, slowly working your way up the foot toward the ankle. Wrap pulling lightly to keep the bandage tight. Pull diagonally from the bottom of the foot to cover the top. At the ankle, come from the bottom of the foot to the top, then bring the bandage around the back of the ankle to the top of the foot again, using a figure-eight motion.
Finishing the Wrap
After making several passes, you will reach the anklebone. Wrap the ankle several times using the figure-eight motion, moving slowly toward the heel but not covering it. Once the foot and ankle is covered almost to the heel, the bandage should be at its end. Most bandages come with a fastener at the end, but if there isn't one, use tape to secure it. Check that the wrap is not too tight. If you feel a tingling or your toes are discolored, loosen the bandage.