Hamstring Pain While Standing
Symptoms of Sciatica
Numbness, loss of movement or a sharp or dull pain may be experienced during compression of the sciatic nerve. You many also experience a pins-and-needles feeling which will come and go.
Over-the-counter medications such as aspirin may reduce swelling and help treat pain. Tylenol may treat pain but will not treat swelling. Stretching exercises may also reduce compression of the spine and alleviate pressure on the nerve. In cases of severe acute sciatica a medication containing codeine may be prescribed. Consult your doctor before beginning any medication or exercise program. After physical therapy and medication, spinal injections or surgery may be used to treat sciatica.
Support and Posture
Posture while sitting can effect sciatica. Sitting on soft, squishy surfaces aggravates compression of the spine and causes further pain. When sitting, use a chair that tilts back slightly to take pressure of the lower back. Soft mattresses can also effect sciatica during sleep; use a firm mattress that supports your body to reduce pain and swelling.
Preventing Sciatica
Low-impact aerobic exercises increase blood flow to the back and maintain flexibility. Strengthening exercises also improve the spine area by widening the spaces between spinal discs. Do not forget stretching exercises to prevent muscle tightening.
Sciatica During Pregnancy
Sciatica during pregnancy is not caused by the baby pressing on the nerve. Sciatica during pregnancy can be the result of extra weight during pregnancy and already sustained damage to the spine.