Orthopedic Knee Exercises
Straight-Leg Lift
Begin by lying on your back with one leg straight and the other one bent. Slowly lift the straight leg off the ground while maintaining your balance with your other leg. Bring your leg up approximately 12 to 18 inches, hold for three seconds, and then slowly lower it back to the ground. Perform 10 repetitions and then repeat with the opposite leg.
Hamstring Curls
While standing behind a chair, place both hands on top of it for balance. Put all of your weight on one leg while slowly raising the other leg upwards toward your buttocks. Hold this stretch for three to five seconds and slowly lower it back to the ground. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions, and repeat with the opposite leg.
Wall Squat
Stand so that your head, neck, hips and back are against a wall. Place your feet approximately two feet out from the wall. Slowly slide down the wall until you are in squatting position. Hold this position for approximately five seconds, and then slowly lift yourself back up using only your legs. Repeat 10 repetitions.
Single-Leg Dip
Place a chair on both sides of your body to use for balance. Slightly raise one leg out in front of you and place your weight on the other leg. Slowly lower yourself down and push your weight down onto the supporting leg. Hold this position for approximately five seconds, and then raise yourself back to the starting position. Repeat 10 repetitions, and then switch to the opposite leg.