Left Anterior Thigh Pain
Treatments vary depending on what type of thigh trauma you have. For example, if it is due to a spinal injury, you will want to see a chiropractor. If it is due to running, it may require some ice and over-the-counter antiswelling medication. A sprain may require hot and cold treatments.
It is important to find out early what exactly is wrong. Any trauma on the left side of the body may be related to heart disease.
The significance of anterior left thigh pain is not just related to what may happen to your thigh; it could also have repercussions to your knee, ankle and their joints. Arthritis and bursitis may be the result of untreated thigh pain.
More Answers
There are many websites and books that can give you in-depth resources to find out what your pain may be.
The answers and advice here are not meant to be a final solution to anterior thigh pain. Seek the advice of qualified health professionals before setting out on a course of treatment.