How to Mend a Torn Muscle
Things You'll Need
- Doctor
- Ice pack
- Towel or paper towels
- Pain relievers
Mending a Torn Muscle
Immediately after injury occurs, elevate the affected muscle to ensure blood flows away from the muscle. Wrap an ice pack in a paper towel or towel and apply to muscle to reduce inflammation. Alternate between ice and no ice every 20 minutes until pain subsides. Call a physician to determine severity of your injury.
Visit a physician to determine the exact muscle affected and the severity of your injury. Torn muscles can occur anywhere. Most occur in the leg muscles, including the hamstring, plantaris, quadriceps and the gastrocnemius, or calf muscle. Speak with your doctor about the best recovery plan for you.
For mild or moderate injuries, refrain from any strenuous activity that may affect the muscle. For example, if the injured muscle is in the leg, refrain from climbing stairs, running or walking. Use pain relievers, including Tylenol and ibuprofen, to reduce swelling and pain. Rest until muscle begins to recover.
For patients suffering from more severe conditions, speak with a physician. The doctor can prescribe stronger pain relievers and may require you to visit a physical therapist. The physical therapist will assist in strengthening exercises that will aid in the recovery.