Muscle-Stimulation Therapy
What It Is
Interferential muscle stimulation is the act of channeling a low-frequency electrical current through muscle. The current is also channeled through the nerves and the connective tissue. The purpose is to help relieve pain by initiating the secretion of endorphins and other natural pain relievers. There are certain injuries that respond well to this form of treatment; they are: sprained ligaments, muscle sprains and strains, and muscle spasms.
How it Works
Electrotherapy is begun on the body at the point of injury. Electrodes are placed at the injury site, and the technician will gradually increase the electrical output. You will feel an initial tingling sensation. As the current is increased, it will feel stronger but should remain comfortable.
Usually the body will adapt to the current, which will mean an increase in the current must be made every couple of minutes. A treatment period can last from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the condition that is being treated. The majority of patients find electrical muscle stimulation beneficial. It is most often described as a "pins-and-needles" sensation that is comfortable to handle.
There are a number of benefits associated with muscle-stimulation therapy. This form of treatment is usually prescribed to provide relief for chronic pain as well as to help control muscle spasms. It is known to prevent muscle atrophy. It has also been found to reverse signs of atrophy from disuse of the muscle. It increases blood circulation, retrains muscles on how to function properly and increases range of motion as well as helps to maintain it.
When circulation is increased to the muscles, they are more pliable. There is less swelling, which can reduce pain. These are the benefits that can be accomplished with muscle-stimulation therapy.