How to Activate Thermacare Heat Wraps
Keep the ThermaCare heat wrap in the individual, airtight package until ready for use since the iron, salt, charcoal and water disks react to the air to create heat.
Open the package and remove the tabs to expose the adhesives - if present. Apply the ThermaCare wrap to the affected area, following step 3 or 4 depending on your product.
Wrap a ThermaCare for the lower back, elbow, knee or hand around the affected area.
Use the adhesive tabs on ThermaCare models for the neck and menstrual cramps which stick to the skin to hold the wrap against the affected area.
Wait for 30 minutes for the ThermaCare to reach its full temperature of 104 degrees Fahrenheit. Wear the ThermaCare for 8 to 12 hours or until you feel it cool off. If the wrap does not heat after 30 minutes, it might have been previously exposed to air and deactivated. Discard it and use a new, unopened ThermaCare.