Ultrasound Treatment for Knee Meniscus Tears or Injury
Ultrasound Treatment
If the meniscus becomes injured you may hear a clicking or cracking sound, and get swelling in the knee or feel pain while pushing on or bending the knee. Having a meniscus tear can be painful and cause immobility in the knee. The ultrasound treatment has been used for about 50 years to help body tissue injuries and reduce healing time. Ultrasounds use high frequency sound waves to administer heat to the injury. The treatment only lasts 10 to 15 minutes and can be given again one or two more times. Ultrasound treatment is thought to treat soft tissue injuries so well because it attracts a lot of mast cells to the injured area, increases blood flow, reduces pain, produces more collagen and reduces scar tissue. So ultrasound treatment speeds along the inflammatory process conclusion, the proliferative phase, and the tissue healing phase of injury. It is recommended that muscles be stretched or warmed up before the ultra sound treatment is administered. Stretching should also be done after the treatment is given.
Ultrasound treatment should not be used on pregnant women, ears, eyes, genitals, the spinal cord or the brain. A few parts of the body require extreme watchfulness and care when using an ultrasound on them, including areas that have poor circulation, areas that are numb, bone growth plates and body parts with metal implants. Ultrasound side effects are rare but include burns on the bones and soft tissue, increased swelling and bleeding problems.