How to Use Organic Heat Pads
Things You'll Need
- Microwave
- Dried lavender
- Spray bottle
Place the dried lavender in the heating pad bag. This will give you the added, calming aromatherapeutic benefits of lavender along with the soothing heat of the organic heating bag. You can put as little as 1/4 tbsp. in, or as much as half a cup. The more lavender you put in the bag, the stronger the smell.
Spray the heating pad with a few squirts of water. Use no more than four squirts. This will "activate" the lavender and also add some moisture to the bag to make it heat more safely and effectively.
Microwave the heating bag. If you have used the organic heating bag before, you probably already know how long it takes to get it to a temperature that you like. However, if you have not used the heating bag previously, test out the time and temperature. Start by microwaving the bag a minute on high. Then, microwave in additional 30-second intervals until the bag is as warm as you want. Note how long it took the bag to reach the temperature you like. Never leave an organic heating pad in the microwave unattended. You should always remain nearby in case of smoke or a fire.
Place the heating bag on any sore muscles. After the first 24 to 48 hours, an injury should be heated instead of iced. An organic heating bag is a good way to treat muscle strains, bumps and bruises. Put the heating pad on the injured spot for up to 20 minutes, then give the area a break of 20 to 40 minutes before reapplying the pad.
Use the organic heating pad for relaxation. Even if you do not have an injury, it can help you relax. Warm it up, then place it on the back of your neck or in the small of your back. The soothing scent of lavender will help you clear your mind, while the warmth relaxes your muscles.