How to Quickly Soothe Aching, Sore Muscles
Take a hot shower and let the water run on sore, achy muscles. Letting the hot water from a shower wash over tired, sore muscles can help loosen them and relieve some of the pain. Try massaging the muscles that hurt after the hot water has run over them a few minutes. You can even take a very warm bath to relieve muscle aches. Use lavender bath salts or bath oil to fully help you relax and ease sore muscles.
Have your partner give you a body massage to ease tense and sore muscles. Ask your partner to massage the muscles that hurt, gently, in a circular motion. Massaging sore muscles helps to relax them and loosen them up easing the pain. You can also massage the muscles yourself if no one is around to help. Simply rotate your hands in a circles over the sore, achy muscles to work the soreness out and ease the tension.
Stretch out achy, sore muscles to help them feel better again. Stretching tired, achy muscles can help to relieve some of the pain. When muscles hurt, it is usually because they are overworked and tense. Stretching helps to pull the muscle out and fix the knots that cause the pain. Do this gently, however, so that you don't overexert or pull any sore muscles out of place. You could do more damage to tired, sore muscles and end up with more of a problem than you originally had.
Eat plenty of bananas to help sore, achy muscles and prevent cramping. Bananas are great for preventing cramps and easing muscle pains because they contain potassium. Often times when we exercise or overexert our muscles, we lose valuable minerals such as potassium, sodium, and other electrolytes. Eating bananas helps to put some of these minerals back into our bodies and sooth sore muscles. Muscles that are tense are more prone to cramping so eating bananas can help to prevent this trouble.
Drink plenty of water to rehydrate muscles that are sore and tense. Water is a great resource for tired and achy muscles. Sometimes, when we overdo exercises, work to hard in the day, or tire our bodies out, we tend to become dehydrated. Drinking 6-8 8oz glasses of water daily can help to prevent this dehydration and fill our bodies with moisture to keep muscle tension at bay. You should especially drink a lot of water if you are exercising or working out in heated areas where you can become dehydrated easily. Drinking water will help to ease those sore muscles and get them back to feeling better quickly.
Get plenty of rest to ease sore muscles. Although you may find yourself with lots to do in a day, it's important to take a break and rest muscles that are achy and tired. It isn't good to constantly keep your body in motion without rest and when muscles are sore and tense, it's a good indication that you need to sit and relax. When your muscles are achy, your body is usually trying to warn you that it's time to take a break and stop overexerting yourself. Listen to your body and relax for at least a half an hour or more. Take a nap if possible or just rest on the couch and put your feet up. Getting rest will help to ease sore muscles and take away the pain from pushing yourself too hard.