Full Body Massage Tips
Before giving your massage, prepare the room or area you will be working in. You want the recipient to leave feeling relaxed, so work on creating a serene environment. Keep the noise level down. Turn off cell and house phones, televisions and noisy equipment. You may want to play an instrumental CD or maybe a track of ocean sounds. Check your lighting too. Turn off white fluorescent lights and more controlled lighting like lamps instead. Aromatic candles in therapeutic scents like vanilla can help set a calm mood. Test the surface of your massage area before your guest arrives. You want it to be comfortable and easy to work around. Cover the area with fresh linens. Have your towels and oils in a handy basket, ready for the massage.
During the massage you might be tempted to talk. If you are not a professional, you might be a little nervous. You should ask occasionally about pressure pain. It is not a good massage if you hurt someone. Start at the scalp area and work your way down the body. Alternate between the kneading and raking techniques. Kneading is similar to the action you use to knead bread dough. Raking is spreading your fingers wide and raking your finger tips over the surface of the skin. When giving your massage, do not push on the spine. Work around the spine instead.
When the massage is finished, let your guest or loved one remain still and enjoy some quiet, relaxing moments. You might use a fresh hand towel to blot any excess oil from the skin. Use a light touch and do not disturb your guest too much. Keep in mind that a full body massage can cause a person's muscles to contract. Give your guests plenty of fresh water to stave off any leg cramps or body cramps that might occur after the massage is through.