What to Do With a Pulled Groin on a Woman?
A groin strain is when there is a tear or pull in the three muscles of the inner thigh, also called the adductor muscles. This combination of muscles runs from the groin all the way down the inner thigh and connects to the knee. A pulled groin can be caused by many different things, such as a direct blow to the groin area, straining the muscle beyond what it is capable of, overuse or putting too much stress on the muscles when they have not been properly stretched.-
Symptoms of Female Groin Pulls
Symptoms can be mild to very severe in a groin pull. Symptoms can include tightness in the groin, pain and tenderness, weakness of the adductor muscles, bruising, fever at the site of the strain, and a popping or snapping sound when the muscles are strained. You will experience pain when moving, and you may experience groin pain when going to the bathroom.
How It's Diagnosed
Your physician will physically exam the area to locate any swelling or lumps that appear on the groin area. The physical examination will reveal whether or not the pain is the result of other medical conditions such as kidney stones, enlarged lymph nodes or other pelvic problems such as ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts can cause intense pain that may seem to run down the leg and may resemble a muscle pull. X-rays, CT scans and other tests may be performed to rule out any other problems before a full diagnosis is given.
Groin pain treatment in women varies depending on the diagnosis during your evaluation. The most common form of treatment for a groin pull is women are rest and medications. Ibuprofen and Naproxen are both anti-inflammatory medicines that help with swelling and inflammation. Heat applied to the general area or a warm bath can provide temporary relief. Treatment is based on the exact cause of the pain. Any pain that has occurred for several days should be seen to by a physician.