Tips for Muscle Ache Relief
The Basics
Start with the obvious. If your muscles are aching, your body is sending you caution signs. Pay attention to this and relax when your body, or a specific muscle group, is causing you grief. Keep pressing when you're in pain and you run the risk of further injury.
Take an over-the-counter pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for additional relief. Creams and balms may also provide some relief.
After giving your body adequate time to rest, very gently stretch the area, taking care not to move too quickly.
Ice or Heat
Apply ice for both acute aches, usually accompanied by swelling, and slow- developing chronic aches. Ice the area for 10 to 15 minutes, allow your skin temperature to return to normal, then repeat the process. This can be repeated throughout the day for up to three days.
Apply heat in addition to ice for chronic injuries only. Heat will increase swelling and pain in an acute injury. But for chronic injury, heat should be used before exercise only to increase elasticity. Heat is also appropriate for tight muscles. Ideally, you should use moist heat such as a wet, hot towel. As with ice, heat should be used in bursts, 15 to 20 minutes at a time.
Book time with your local masseuse. If the area causing discomfort is fairly large, a massage may provide the best option for relief. Remember, however, that there are many types of massage. Swedish massage, or massage therapy, is gentle. Aromatherapy is ideal for muscle aches associated with stress. There are also deep tissue massage and Shiatsu, which is akin to acupuncture. Thai massage combines massage with stretching.
Exercise your aching muscles gently to recovery. Sometimes, aching muscles can receive relief through low-impact exercise. Swimming is ideal in this category, as gravity is counteracted and less stress is placed on joints. Cycling and walking are other low-impact alternatives. Remember to start slowly. whichever exercise you choose.
See a doctor if your aches continue for more than three days. In these cases, there is a chance that more serious injury has occurred. A doctor can assess the cause of your aches and prescribe pain medication if necessary or refer you to a physical therapist.