Treatments for Muscle Injury
Minor Injuries
Minor muscle injuries are usually referred to as muscle strains. Most doctors and trainers recommend resting the affected area for a period of days or possibly weeks. Elevating the area and applying ice compresses can relieve pain and swelling as well. Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen (Advil or Motrin) and naproxen (Alleve) may also help to alleviate pain and inflammation.
Major Injuries
More extensive muscle injuries can include severe strains or ruptures. In these instances, doctors usually immobilize the injured area with a splint or brace that allows the damaged muscle to rest. Crutches also may be necessary for leg-muscle injuries. In the case of severe rupture, surgery may be required in order to repair the muscle tissue and surrounding ligaments.
Once a muscle injury has been treated, preventative measures can keep the area from being injured again. Stretching and slow warm-ups before exercise help to stretch and prepare muscles for use. Exercises that strengthen muscles that are near to the injured area can provide a type of brace and support for the recovering muscles that may still be somewhat weak. Taping and wrapping weak areas or wearing therapeutic bandages also can provide extra support for recovering muscles.