Exercises for Strained Hamstrings
A strained hamstring affects the muscles of the back of the upper leg. The biceps femoris, semitendinosus and the semimembranosus muscles make up the hamstring and will become strained if they are stretched too far or become torn during physical activity. There are exercises you can do during the recovery process to help heal the hamstring as well as to prevent future injury.-
Talk with a doctor if you believe you have a strained hamstring. The doctor can identify the degree of strain as well as prescribe anti-inflammatory medications as necessary. Remember to implement R.I.C.E. with your strain. Rest your strained hamstring, apply ice for 15 minutes at a time, use a compression cloth and keep the leg elevated. The goal is to reduce swelling and minimize recovery time.
Progress through exercises as your strained hamstring tolerates. If you feel pain or a worsening of the strain, immediately discontinue the exercise. Begin exercises once swelling has started to reduce and you can put weight on the strained muscle. Apply heat to the strained hamstring prior to exercises to increase blood flow.
Hamstring Stretching Exercises
Implement stretching as your recovering hamstring allows. Perform these movements two to three times a day.
Standing hamstring reach: Rest your strained hamstring on a surface that is approximately waist high. Keep your healthy leg on the ground to support your body. Keep your back straight and bend at the waist toward your feet. Do not bend further than your hamstring will allow. Try to keep your knee straight during the exercise.
Seated hamstring reach: Sit on the ground with both legs directly in front of the body so that your legs are touching. Reach toward your feet with your hands. Stop when you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. If you feel pain, do not stretch as far.
Seated hamstring stretch: Sit with both legs to the sides of your body. This will almost be a split position. Sit upright, bend at the waist and stretch forward. You may only need to bend at the waist a small amount to feel a stretch. With more flexibility, you will need to use your hands to reach further away from your body.
Hamstring Strengthening Exercises
Always stretch before and after hamstring strengthening exercises. Start by doing these exercises every other day.
Knee extensions: This is a basic exercise to reintroduce movement to the hamstring. Sit on a chair that allows your feet to touch the ground. Slowly raise the injured leg to the straight position. Do not raise your leg higher than your hamstring can tolerate and avoid holding this position.
Leg extensions: Sit on a bench or chair. Tie one end of a resistance band around your ankle. Tie the other end around a pole or beam that is sturdy. Start with your leg straight out in front of your body. Pull your ankle toward the body and bend your knee. The ankle you are pulling in should come close to the ground next to your stabilized leg.
Hamstring curls: Stand in front of a table with your legs shoulder-width apart. Slowly bend your knee drawing your heel toward your rear. Perform this move without weights at home at first. Add weights as your muscle begins to heal.