Hemorrhoidal Remedies
Hemorrhoidal Creams and Suppositories
Although somewhat messy, hemorrhoidal creams that contain hydrocortisone are effective at relieving itching and swelling. To get the best results, thoroughly clean the affected area and apply a dime-sized amount of cream to the area three to four times daily until the hemorrhoid subsides. If the cream causes any discomfort, clean the area and contact your physician immediately. Hemorrhoidal suppositories work just as well and are easier to use than creams. After a bowel movement and thorough cleaning, remove the suppository from the wrapper and insert it into the anus. Suppositories should be inserted three to four times daily until the symptoms diminish.
Warm Water and Ice Packs
Soaking in warm water can lessen the symptoms of swollen hemorrhoids when done several times a day. Applying an ice pack directly on the hemorrhoid can also reduce swelling. To relieve pain, take aspirin or Tylenol.
See Your Doctor
According to the Mayo Clinic, your doctor may use rubber band litigation. This procedure involves putting rubber bands around the base of the internal hemorrhoid in order to cut off circulation. The hemorrhoid will fall off within two to four days after having the procedure. The rubber bands can be uncomfortable, and if bleeding occurs contact your doctor.