What are the Remedies for Sciatic Pain?
Core Strengthening
Sometimes relieving sciatica pain and pressure involves strengthening and stretching the surrounding muscle structures. By using body weight resistance training like Pilates on the upper back and core muscles, sciatic pain could be minimized. One Pilates example is the "100" exercise. Begin by lying on your back, with your upper legs pointing straight up and your lower legs pointing straight out. Sit up without losing your leg position and place your arms by your sides. Lift your arms until they are parallel to the floor and then hold this position for a 100-count, hence the name. Breathe deeply as needed to maintain your support so that your legs and core will continue to receive oxygen. For an added challenge, press your hands down and up for each count.
Manual Manipulation
Manual manipulation involves physically adjusting bones to put them in proper alignment. This is accomplished by chiropractors, osteopathic physicians or physical therapists. Chiropractors tend to believe that sciatica pain is the result of subluxation, which is misaligned spine bones putting pressure onto nerves. Their treatment could involve a full examination (to include X-rays) to determine where the pressure source is coming from. The chiropractor would position your body and manually adjust your spinal alignment two or three times a week. They could also recommend massage therapy to help alleviate any muscle spasms as your nerves may react to the newly opened pathway.
Hamstring Stretch
Another support muscle that can help relieve sciatica pain is the hamstring. It runs along the back of the upper thigh and if it's pulling tight, it can pull the pelvic bone closer to the piriformis muscle, which sits on top of the sciatic nerve. Stretch the hamstring by first lying on your back with the left knee pointing up and left foot flat. Your right leg should lay straight with toes pointed up. Without bending your right knee, lift your right leg straight up as high as possible. Your left leg should maintain its position. Sit up and grab as close to your ankle as possible. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then switch legs. Breathe deeply as needed while you are holding your leg. Two stretches a day could show immediate pain relief.
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