Exercise for Sciatic Pain Relief from Pirformis Syndrome
Cross Over Stretch
This stretch is used by runners to loosen up their leg muscles and hip flexors; it is also effective in relieving piriformis syndrome pain. Lie on the floor with legs outstretched in front of you. Lift the left leg's foot off of the ground at least 3 inches and bend the knee until it forms a 45-degree angle. Put your left hand on the outside of the knee and push it over your right leg as much as possible without lifting your shoulders off the ground. Try to keep your right leg straight as much as possible while you push your left knee. Turn your head to the left for a more effective stretch. Take deep breaths and hold this position for at least 30 seconds and then switch legs. Do at least three sets for each leg.
Glute Exercise
The glute exercise can also relieve sciatic pain by using your upper body's weight to force a deep piriformis muscle stretch. Start by getting on your hands and knees but push your left leg a little to the outside of your body. Stretch your right leg out as far behind you as possible while keeping your left leg folded. Make sure your hips are still straight as you lay your body on top of your left leg. Lift your head and outstretch your hands to perform the stretch exercise. Hold for 30 seconds and then switch legs. Three sets for each leg should be effective.
Figure Four Stretch
This piriformis exercise utilizes pressure from your opposite leg and a towel to elongate the piriformis muscle, taking pressure off the sciatic nerve. Lie on the floor with your feet flat and knees forming a 45-degree angle. Put the outside of your right ankle on top of your left knee, essentially forming an empty triangle between your thighs. Loop the towel through that triangle and behind your left knee, gripping either end with both hands. While keeping your back straight on the ground and elbows to the sides, pull the towel up until your left thigh is perpendicular to the floor. Hold this pose for at least one minute before switching legs. One exercise for each leg should complete the set.