Piriformis Muscle Spasm Treatment
Massage Techniques to Reduce Piriformis Spasm Discomfort
Many physicians believe massage therapy is an effective and safe remedy for patients suffering from piriformis muscle spasms. Patients should be sure to visit a licensed massage specialist and should not attempt to perform massages on their own or with loved ones, as this may aggravate the existing condition. Massage specialists are familiar with localized massage treatments that will help alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by piriformis syndrome and thus may perform a wide variety of massage techniques. One technique, named trigger point therapy or neuromuscular therapy, works to eliminate myofascial trigger points that align the piriformis muscle. The specialist may also use deep tissue massage techniques to separate the piriformis muscle from the surrounding tissue, reducing muscle spasm occurrence and pain.
Physical Therapy Techniques to Reduce Piriformis Spasm Discomfort
Many patients suffering from piriformis muscle spasms are advised by their physician to visit a physical therapist, who may employ isotonic resistance exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles quickly. These exercises, including forward and backward lunges, partial squats, step-ups and stair-climbing, focus on stabilizing the hip and thigh muscles. Physical therapists often advise patients to use their own body weight or a weighted bar to help muscles grow stronger. As patients continue their treatment, additional weights may be added to further strengthen the muscles and reduce the frequency of muscle spasms. Leg-press machines may also be used, but many physical therapists consider these machines to be less effective than weighted exercises.
Holistic Treatments to Reduce Piriformis Spasm Discomfort
For patients who cannot afford or do not wish to attempt physical or massage therapy, many holistic options help to reduce pain and discomfort caused by piriformis muscle spasms. Patients often find comfort in placing ice packs on the afflicted muscle to reduce muscle pain and strain, or heating pads to relax the piriformis muscle and reduce muscle spasm occurrence. In addition, adults should aim to receive seven to eight hours of sleep a night, and should refrain from strenuous physical activity, including running, cycling, jumping and jogging. Patients should also consume foods high in cinnamon and turmeric, as these spices have natural anti-inflammation properties that may help reduce pain and discomfort caused by muscle spasms.