Muscle Strain Therapy
Rest & Ice
Once you feel the pain of a strained muscle, any strenuous activity must cease. You may exacerbate the injury if you continue physical activity. Apply ice to the affected area for at least 15 minutes then remove for the same amount of time. Reapply ice one more time for another 15 minute interval and remove. This will help relieve the swelling and pain in the strained area.
Take an anti-inflammatory medication immediately after a muscle is strained. This will also help alleviate pain and reduce swelling. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the best since aspirin and ibuprofen can cause bleeding. Topical creams can also be used to soothe the pain. A camphor or menthol rub will help increase blood flow to the affected area which will contribute to the healing process.
Heat & Massage
After 24 hours has passed, apply heat to affected area. A heating pad works best if it used at a medium temperature. Too low will not circulate the blood sufficiently and too hot may burn the skin. Keep the heating pad on for about half an hour. Massage the injured area lightly after removing the heating pad. This will stimulate blood circulation and treat the strained muscle.
Post Injury
Once the pain and swelling have dissipated, it is OK to gradually begin physical activities once again. Be sure to properly warm up muscles before exercise and cool down afterwards. This can include light stretching and walking for 5 minutes before and 5 minutes after. However, it is important that the muscle be fully healed before this happens. Attempting to exercise on a strained muscle may cause it to tear. Consult your doctor if affected area does not improve.