What to Do for Leg Cramps?
Massage the Muscle
Gently massage the muscle where the cramp is located. Massage the muscle slowly with your fingers to loosen it, keeping your leg stretched. According to MedicineNet.com, this helps the muscle relax, reducing spasms that cause cramping.
Apply a Warm Compress
According to cancer.org, applying a warm compress or heating pad to the leg cramp also stops leg cramps. The warmth loosens up the muscle, decreasing contractions in the muscle that cause cramping. Putting your leg in a warm bath also helps alleviate leg cramps.
Move Your Legs
Move your legs. Leg cramps are alleviated by stretching or massaging the muscle. Standing up, shaking your leg, or slowly walking can help stretch and loosen up the cramped muscle.
Stretch the Muscle
If the cramp is localized to the calf muscle, stretch out the muscle by leaning into a wall with your arms while keeping the leg stiff against the ground. Lean forward so that the leg is angled towards the wall but the foot is flat on the ground. This stretches the calf muscle and stops the contractions.